Meticulous translations for sustainable development.
Specialist areas at Zieltext — our strengths
Our strengths lie in subjects that will still have a future in the future. This is why we specialise in sustainable development.
You can find good translations anywhere. What you get with Zieltext is meticulously crafted translations that reflect our expertise in the field of sustainable development, and convey your message effectively and accurately. Our team includes specialists in renewable energy, green building and living, nature conservation and climate protection, sustainability reports and environmental impact assessments, social responsibility and innovative technologies.
Our service is not only about translation, but also about expertise in conveying complex information in other languages with clarity and fluency. Our aim is to support sustainable development by providing rigorous, high-quality translations. For a future that has a future.
We handle all renewable energy topics, including solar, hydro and wind power, bio-fuels, geothermal energy, power plant technology and fuel cells. In the field of wood-fired energy, for instance, we translated the quality guidelines of Holzenergie Schweiz (Wood Energy Switzerland) – the umbrella organisation for the wood-fired energy sector.
We provide translations in the areas of environmental technology, nature conservation and climate protection, waste and waste water management, and land and forestry management. One of our showcase projects was the translation of the 100-year anniversary brochure of the Kastanienbaum hydrobiology laboratory of Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology.
Our expertise also extends to translation, editing and proofreading in the areas of biosciences, geosciences, chemistry and physics. We work regularly with the Swiss Academy of Sciences, and translated the Swiss Academy’s report “Spotlight on climate in Switzerland”.
Sustainability has a major role to play in the areas of construction and living. Our expertise is your advantage, especially when it comes to green building, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, the construction materials industry and building technology. We support the federal and cantonal buildings programme for energy-efficient renovations with our translations, for example.
Do you need a sustainability report? Then you’ve come to the right place. Our showcase project in this area is the sustainability report of the engineering and consulting firm Amstein + Walthert.
Spatial planning is becoming increasingly important for the future of our cities. We translated the Swiss Cities Association’s “Safe Swiss Cities 2025” study.
Mobility and transport also play a key role when it comes to the future of our future. In this field, for example, we translated the company brochure and product catalogue for m-way, the e-mobility platform of Migros.
Our translation experts are also skilled in the areas of politics and policy-making, and in particular in respect of climate policies and European law. For example, we translated the members’ survey for the Swiss Cities Association’s Energy Strategy 2050.
Social responsibility is particularly close to our hearts in the light of our planet’s ongoing globalisation. We translate texts on fair trade and development cooperation, such as the fact sheets published by the Max Havelaar Foundation (Switzerland).
Futures studies is also part of our portfolio. In this area, we translated the “Lighter Living” brochure on novatlantis’s 2000-Watt society. novatlantis is the nexus between research (ETH Zurich, EPFL, PSI, WSL, Empa and Eawag) and industry, society and the public sector.
Our expertise also includes the translation of texts on innovative technologies. Take advantage of the specialist knowledge that enabled us, for instance, to translate installation and operating instructions for SOLTOP Schuppisser Ltd, a company that develops and produces modern solar technology.
“We are committed to sustainability — helping to ensure that our future has a future.”
A proper understanding of sustainability – at all times and in every language
Acting sustainably responds to present-day environmental sentiment while simultaneously improving the outlook for our descendants. Our aim is to support sustainable development by providing rigorous, high-quality translations.
We specialise in sustainability. The English call it sustainability, the Italians sostenibilità. In Spain, it’s called sostenibilidad and in Portugal sustentabilidade. But what about the French?
To them, durabilité would sound odd. Instead, they call it développement durable. It is subtleties like this which turn a translation into an engaging text that is pleasing to the most discerning of readers and has a sustainable impact. For a future that has a future.